
United Kingdom · Me Saco un Ojo Records

Formed in 2014 by Tibor Hanyi and Joe Knight, Cryptworm have become one of the most prolific UK underground death metal bands in the past decade. Following the success of their debut album and a new line up featuring Joss Farrington (Cryptic Shift & Seprevation) on bass and Jay Wintle (Seprevation) on drums. Cryptworm return with its follow-up, ‘Oozing Radioactive Vomition’, another rancid affair of true Death Metal abhorrence. Their new offering injects even more fury and unpleasantries into the already crushing sound they had carefully built, taking things even further into the abyssal murk of the underground for all real maniacs to revel in the molten rot on display. If the song titles such as “Miasmatic Foetid Odour” and “Engulfed by Gurgling Purge Fluids” don’t already give you an idea of what to expect, than allow your ears to fall victim to the sonic suppuration of Cryptworm’s most malformed release to date.